(Contingent on space available in the Preschool program, may be 30+ months)
We have two toddler rooms we are operating for a capacity of 10 children each room.
There are three qualified staff in each room, Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE) or Early Childhood Assistant (ECA) staff, as well as volunteers and student volunteers who would be joining the program to fulfill their practicum hours.
The toddler program is offered as a full-day program, hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Snack and Lunches: Fees include snack and lunches.
Snacks and lunches are provided by a catering company, Real Food for Real Kids, this company meets Public Health requirements for food handling as well as Davisville Care Programme Inc.’s guidelines for healthy food.
If you are interested in placing your child(ren)’s name on our wait list for the Toddler Program, please complete this form.